RFA Committees

The Renewable Fuels Association’s committees are the premier location for peer-to-peer collaboration on important ethanol industry topics. Each committee is designed to bring forth timely information that educates the committee members while providing a forum for discussion and the ability to collectively respond to issues. Accurate and reliable information regarding the production, blending, distribution, and performance of renewable fuels is essential to the success of our industry.


Some of the ethanol industry’s most significant developments began as topics in the RFA’s committees. Current committee participants are engaged in new developments that improve ethanol production efficiency, safety, and environmental impact. They’re also involved in monitoring and responding to federal/state regulatory changes, pursuing new and novel uses of the ethanol molecule, researching and expanding use of ethanol coproducts, and finding ways to foster industry-wide growth.

Participation in committees is an exclusive RFA member benefit. Interested in learning more or want to sign up? Contact Justin Schultz for the Technical or EH&S committees or Tad Hepner for the Strategy and Innovation series.

Technical Committee

Accurate and reliable information regarding the production, blending, distribution, and performance of renewable fuels is essential for the success of our industry.  The RFA Technical Committee focuses heavily on fuel specifications and standards such as ASTM International, National Conference of Weights and Measures, ISO, Canadian General Standards Board, and other international fuel requirements. RFA members and staff continue to be recognized for their meaningful contributions within these standards development organizations. 


Technical committee members can, without hesitation, count on the RFA committee chairs and staff to properly inform and answer fuel quality, storage, and handling concerns that impact operations of ethanol facilities. Fuel quality concerns, engine research projects, international blending practices, and state and regional regulations are just a sampling of the topics this committee monitors. 

Environment, Health & Safety Committee

Part of the industry’s environmental record is helping to ensure ethanol production facilities are meeting or exceeding the environmental regulations they face. The EH&S Committee is focused on making sure our member company facilities are protecting the environment while providing a forum for navigating the complex regulations imposed on this industry. This committee’s highly technical discussions help familiarize renewable fuel producers with relevant environmental regulations and ensure their facilities remain compliant. More information.


Nothing is more important than the safety of the people who work in the renewable fuel industry and the consumers we serve.  The safety of ethanol production, transportation, consumer use, and emergency response is a priority for this Committee. This RFA committee has been extraordinarily proactive by working with federal, state, and local governments as well as industry partners, to bring much-needed attention to hazardous materials regulations and other safety requirements. Members are kept up to date on DOT regulations, OSHA compliance standards, and continuous education opportunities. Members support the development of nationwide ethanol safety seminars; these learning opportunities are offered free of charge to emergency responders through RFA and the TRANSCAER initiatives. As renewable fuel like ethanol is transported by truck, railcar, barge, ship, and pipeline, evaluating the entire distribution chain for improvements to safety and handling are a high priority for RFA members. For more information, visit our Plant Safety Information page.


Strategy and Innovation Leadership Webinar Series

The renewable fuels industry is seeing change at ever-increasing rates. It is RFA’s goal to keep its members up to date on the most recent advances in technologies, incentives, grants, alternative production efficiencies, and new coproduct pathways, keeping them informed and more able to position your organizations for success. We will discuss issues relevant to the renewable fuels and energies space by focusing on both short and medium/long-term technologies, R&D, economics, and trade information. This webinar format series will feature RFA staff, Associate RFA members, and special guest speakers in their areas of expertise discussing relevant industry topics. Additionally, we know there is a wealth of leadership-focused knowledge within our producer member base. This series will also serve as a platform to cover industry leadership perspectives and provide an exchange of ideas and best practices.